Sunday, October 19, 2014

Gauss’s Law, Microwave Demos, Gauss’s Law ActivPhysics

Gauss’s Law

An electric field was drawn around two positive charges and one negative charge.  After making three different surfaces the net flux was found by subtracting the amount of lines entering the surface by the amount of lines leaving the space.  It can be seen that the net flux is proportional to the charge enclosed within the surface. 

Microwave Demos

What happens when you put different objects in the microwave?

-Nothing! The particles on the fork are much too big for the microwaves to have an effect on it and it also has a larger thermal mass meaning it takes longer for it to heat.
The surface bubbled and this is because the particles on the CD are much smaller than the ones on the fork so the microwaves had a drastic effect on the CD
Lit Match
A plasma ball forms! (see whiteboard for explanation)

Christmas Tree Ornament
It was found that depending on the orientation of the ornament in the microwave the ornament would either spark or nothing would happen (see whiteboard for explanation)
Steel Wool
A large cloud of sparks formed (see whiteboard for explanation)
Expands like a soap soufflé (see whiteboard for explanation)

Light Bulb
Sparked colors and then went up in flames (see whiteboard for explanation)
Capri Sun Container
Expanded and sparked (see whiteboard for explanation)
Nothing happens to a whole grape but a grape cut in half will spark and catch fire

Gauss’s Law ActivPhysics

Answers to ActivPhysics on Whiteboard

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