Horizontal Deflection

The oscilloscope applies sinusoidal wave to horizontal
deflection plate so that dot moves in a horizontal circle on the screen
Sounds from a Function Generator & Oscilloscope
A speaker was attached to a function generator and produced
sounds at different frequencies. (See
whiteboard for lab activity answers)
Frequency generator and speaker set up |
The function generator was then connected to the oscilloscope and the sound waves were displayed across the screen.
Battery Connection (part d on Oscilloscope Controls Lab) |
Answers to Sounds from a function generator and oscilloscope controls lab |
Measuring Changing Voltage
A function generation was at to produce a 96-Hz sinusoidal
wave form and the image was measured with the oscilloscope. (See whiteboard/pictures and videos for lab
activity answers)
Oscilloscope producing sine wave at .096kHz |
Oscilloscope producing wave on square function at .096 kHz |
Answers to Measuring Changing Voltage Lab |
1) A small DC wallward was connected to the
oscilloscope and the characteristics were judged. Next an AC transformer was connected to the
oscilloscope and the output was measured.
(See pictures for lab activity)
2) Lissajous Figures: A small AC transformer was
connected to Ch 1 of the oscilloscope and the function generatior was connected
to Ch 2 of the oscilloscope. The
frequence on the function generatior was set to frequency 30hz and Ch 1 and Ch
2 were turned on and xy mode was selected so the oscilloscope would display Ch
1 on the x axis and Ch 2 on the y axis.
When 30 Hz was on the oscilloscope showed a y^2 graph because the
frequency of the function generator was less than the frequency of the AC transformer. When the frequency of the frequency generator
was set to 60 Hz the oscilloscope showed a circle because the grequency of the
function generator and the frequency of the AC transformer were running at the
same frequency. When the frequency
generator was set to 120 Hz the oscilloscope dsplayed a –x^2 graph because the
frequency of the function generator was twice the frequency of the AC
DC walwart |
AC Transmitter |
Answers to Task Lab |
Answers to Task Lab
Mystery Box
A mystery box with several terminals was given to us and we
found which terminal produced what my making measurements with the oscilloscope. The voltages add up across the board so it runs DC except for the first hole to the last hole, they
should have the greatest voltage, but the box must have been left on and the
battery drained which caused for error in data.
Answers to Mystery Box Lab |
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